BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
masterSwitched crop target from npz to hdf5Your Name9 months
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2024-05-13Switched crop target from npz to hdf5HEADmasterYour Name1-2/+17
2024-05-09Removed .d filesYour Name6-227/+1
2024-05-09Added capacity for multiple rectangle labels; bug fixesYour Name11-46/+385
2024-05-08Switched makefile formatYour Name5-113/+17
2021-08-20Added a cropping utilityYour Name2-0/+94
2021-08-17Finished rectangle annotation codeYour Name5-15/+38
2021-08-17Implemented parts of mouse click eventYour Name5-14/+57
2021-08-17Merge branch 'master' of https://vance.fish/git/annotatorYour Name8-16/+39
2021-08-17Started work on bounding boxesYour Name7-6/+57
2021-08-17Updated keysYour Name8-17/+40