{ "name": "adhesive", "text": "(Object form only) The {NAME} adheres to anything that touches it. A Huge or smaller creature adhered to the {NAME} is also grappled by it (escape DC {(8,STR,PROF,+,+)}). Ability checks made to escape this grapple have disadvantage.", "subfeatures": [ { "trigger": [ "N touches N", "creature", "self" ], "conditions": [ [ "N has property PROPERTY = VALUE", "self", "Form", "Object" ], [ "not N has property Property", "other", "Size", "Gargantuan" ] ], "effects": [{ "target": "creature", "effect": [ "Acquire condition CONDITION", "grappled" ] }] }, { "trigger": [ "N makes check against N", "creature", "self" ], "conditions": [[ "N == N", "V0", "escape grapple" ]], "effects": [{ "target": "creature", "effect": [ "Impose disadvantage" ] }] } ] }