{ "name": "blinding dust (legendary_action)", "text": "Blinding dust and sand swirls magically around the {NAME}. Each creature within 5 feet of the {NAME} must succeed on a DC {(8,PROF,CON,+,+)} Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the end of the creature's next turn.", "subfeatures": [ { "trigger": [ "legendary action costing X", 1 ], "conditions": [], "effects": [{ "target": "creatures", "effect conditions": [ [ "N is within radius X of N", "creature", "5'", "self" ], [ "N fails dc X ABILITY save by at least X", "creature", "(8,PROF,CON,+,+)", "constitution", 0 ] ], "effect": [ "set N = N", "creature.BLINDED", 1 ], "duration": "End of target next turn" }] } ] }