{ "name": "charge", "text": "If the {NAME} moves at least {V0} feet straight toward a target and then hits it with a {V1} attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra {V2}d{V3} {V4} damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC {(8,PROF,STR,+,+)} Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.", "subfeatures": [ { "trigger": [ "N hits N", "self", "any" ], "conditions": [ ["N moved X distance straight toward N", "self", "(V0)", "any" ], [ "N made attack ATTACK", "(V1)" ] ], "effects": [{ "target": "any", "effect": [ "Inflict XdX TYPE damage", "(V2)", "(V3)", "(V4)" ] }, { "target": "any", "effect conditions": [ [ "N == N", "any.OBJECT_TYPE", -1 ], [ "N fails dc X ABILITY save by at least X", "any", "(8,PROF,STR,+,+)", "strength", 0 ] ], "effect": [ "set N = N", "any.PRONE", 1 ] }] } ] }