{ "entry": "creatures", "speed": "0 ft., fly 50 ft. (hover)", "saves": [ "dex" ], "d_resistances": [], "d_vulnerabilities": [], "d_immunities": [ { "type": "poison", "qualifiers": [] }, { "type": "psychic", "qualifiers": [] } ], "c_immunities": [ { "type": "blinded", "qualifiers": [] }, { "type": "charmed", "qualifiers": [] }, { "type": "deafened", "qualifiers": [] }, { "type": "frightened", "qualifiers": [] }, { "type": "paralyzed", "qualifiers": [] }, { "type": "petrified", "qualifiers": [] }, { "type": "poisoned", "qualifiers": [] } ], "senses": [ "blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radius)" ], "langs": "--", "skills": {}, "hit_die_count": 5, "hit_die_sides": 6, "name": "Flying Sword", "type": "construct", "cr": 0.25, "size": "Small", "alignment": "unaligned", "stats": { "str": 12, "dex": 15, "con": 11, "int": 1, "wis": 5, "cha": 1 }, "inventory": [ { "entry": "item", "name": "longsword", "type": "weapons", "text": "." } ], "observant": false, "givenName": "NAME", "hpMax": -1, "hp": -1, "natural_armor": { "name": "natural", "bonus": 17 }, "text": "", "features": [ { "entry": "feature", "name": "antimagic susceptibility", "text": "The sword is incapacitated while in the area of an antimagic field. If targeted by **_dispel magic_**, the sword must succeed on a Constitution saving throw against the caster's spell save DC or fall unconscious for 1 minute.", "type": "feature" }, { "entry": "feature", "name": "false appearance", "text": "While the sword remains motionless and isn't flying, it is indistinguishable from a normal sword.", "type": "feature" } ], "prof": 2 }