#include "creature.h" #include "feature.h" #include #include #include "rules.h" #include "utils.h" #include "item.h" #include "armor.h" #include "weapon.h" #include "spellcasting.h" using namespace std; template vector mapItems(const vector>& items) { vector out; for(auto i : items) { out.push_back(i->getName()); } return out; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { creature::Creature c(utils::loadJson(argv[argc-1])); cout << c.getCreatureName() << " " << c.getGivenName() << ", a cr " << c.getCR() << " " << c.getAlignment() << " " << c.getSize() << " " << c.getType() << ", has " << c.getHP() << " hp, ac " << creature::getAC(c) << " (" << utils::join(mapItems(creature::getItems(c)), ", ") << "), speaks " << c.getLanguages() << ", has " << utils::join(c.getSenses(), ", ") << ", speed " << c.getSpeed() << ", and wields " << utils::join(mapItems(creature::getItems(c)), ", ") << ".\n Stats:\n"; for(auto ability : abilities) { cout << ability << ": " << c.getScore(ability) << " (" << c.getBonus(ability) << ")\n"; } cout << "\nSkills:\n"; for(auto skill : c.getSkills()) { cout << skill.first << " (+" << skill.second << ")\n"; } cout << "\nSaves:\n"; for(auto save : c.getSaves()) { cout << save.first << " (+" << save.second << ")\n"; } cout << "\nFeatures:\n"; for(auto f: c.getFeatures()) { cout << f->getText(c) << "\n"; } cout << "\nInventory:\n"; for(auto i : c.getInventory()) { cout << i->getText(c) << "\n"; } cout << "\nWe strike him with mace, dealing 5 fire damage!\n"; c.applyDamage(5, "fire", vector()); cout << "Now he has " << c.getHP() << " out of " << c.getHPMax() << " hp.\n"; //cout << "Increasing str by 4...\n"; //c.setScore("str", c.getScore("str") + 4); cout << "Saving to out.json...\n"; utils::saveJson(c.toJson(), "out.json"); }